Pelosi, AOC & White House On Completely Different Pages Over Eviction Moratorium, Dem Party Divided

2 years ago

Jake Tapper: So you've been warning that this eviction deadline was coming for weeks. Democrats control the House. You guys control the Senate. You guys control the White House. Nothing aggressive was done by leadership until just a couple days ago. Who's to blame here?

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez: Well you know I think there's a couple of issues here. First of all, you are absolutely correct in that the House and House leadership had the opportunity to vote to extend the moratorium. And there were many, and there was frankly a handful of conservative Democrats in the House that threatened to on on planes rather than hold this vote. And we have to really just call a spade a spade. We can not, in good faith, blame the Republican Party when House Democrats have the majority.

Now there is something to be said for the fact that this court order came down on the White House a month ago and the White House waited until the day before the House adjourned to release a statement asking on Congress to extend the moratorium. This came after weeks. I sit on the Financial Services Committee which has jurisdiction over housing. We had the secretary there asking about the administration's stance. We asked the Biden Administration about their stance and they were not being really forthright about that advocacy and that request until the day before the House adjourned. And so the House was put into a, I believe, a needlessly difficult situation. And it's not just me saying that. Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Watters has made that very clear as well.

There's a couple of contributing factors here. We have Governors who are also not getting this emergency rental assistance out in time which is forcing this extension, we would like an extension on the moratorium.

The fact of the matter is that the problem is here. The House should reconvene and call this vote and extend the moratorium. There's about 11,000,000 that are behind on their rent and at risk of eviction. That's 1 out of every 6 renters in the United States.

Jake Tapper: Congress is out for of town for the next 7 weeks. Speake Pelosi made it clear in a letter to Democrats last night. She's not calling the House back.

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