5D Starseeds Fix Star Wars Time w/Christ Consciousness - Debbie Solaris: Merkaba Chakras Podcast #32

3 years ago

Welcome to another podcast episode of Merkaba Chakras. I’m your host, Von Galt. Today, we take Akashic records reading to an interstellar level with Galactic Akashic Historian, Debbie Solaris. You may recognize her from her appearance on the “Beyond Belief Show” with George Noory on Gaia TV. Now, “Starseeds” is not a new subject in advance Buddhism, because we just call these ancient souls who incarnated from different planets and dimensions, “Tulku Children”. The concept of shifting between parallel realities, dimensions, and timelines in reincarnation is common in Buddhist mandalas. Lastly, ancient galactic wars in Hindu and Buddhist mythology trigger deeper stories about our possible Star Wars timeline. That’s what we’re going to dive deep into today. Debbie, welcome to Merkaba Chakras!

Part II of this episode is here: https://youtu.be/zUfIKqQOAyY

1. Can you tell us your story about how you got into this work?

2. Can you explain what is a starseed incarnate? Why are so many Tulku children (starseeds) reincarnated during Earth’s transition into 5D?

3. What are your thoughts on the spiritual components of 5D awakening & ascension on Earth? How will religions transform when much of the world’s population is 5thdimensional?

4. What do the Akashic records say about this?

5. My whole life, Buddhist monks told me that I am a Life Planner in the spirit world who helps ancient souls pre-plan their incarnations. Right now, I do quantum hypnosis and 6th sense consultations. Often my clients recognize me and they happen to be starseeds. Here’s the funny thing. My clients get life reviews of lifetimes in different galaxies and dimensions. They often cry when viewing a lifetime about how their planet exploded in a Star Wars type feud. They are consistently shown that they need to learn to train their ego and connect to the Christ consciousness of source regularly. This is the key codes to use when they incarnate into that lifetime that allows them to heal the Star Wars timeline and rewrite much of the destruction. What does the Akashic records say about this?

6. What does the Akashic records say about this worldwide phenomenon of Mandela Effects?

7. Can you do a brief Akashic reading for me to see what it says about this weird lucid memory I have?

8. My lucid memory of regular 5D Earth people who are time travel and parallel reality tourists points to a possibility that we humans innocently remind people in that Star Wars timeline about their connection to the Christ consciousness of source and that only an untrained, unloved ego will allow the conquest and destruction of worlds. In a funny way, the 6th root race of humans innocently shows the galaxy in that Star Wars timeline a better way to exist with the source. Is that how 5D starseeds repair the Star Wars timeline?

9. Now you offer workshops, what can people expect to learn in your workshops? Will you offer pre-recorded online courses or virtual workshops too?

10. What are your suggestions for building a 5th dimension society during turbulent times?

For more information about Debbie Solaris’s offerings, please visit her website: https://www.debbiesolaris.com/

To learn more about Von Galt's metaphysical work: https://merkabachakras.com/

Theme music, "Promised Land" copyrighted by the composer, Olive Musique, and authorized by PremiumBeats.com

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