Does This FDA Approved Drug Kill COVID In Less Than 48 Hours & For Only $0.12?

2 years ago

"Doctors could soon have a new tool in their arsenal for the fight against Coronavirus. One America's Pearson Sharp has more on the medicine that researchers in Australia say could cure the virus in just 48 hours" - OAN Anchor

"The fight against Coronavirus could have a powerful new weapon. It's called Ivermectin. News out of Australia has revealed doctors are now successfully using the drug to treat patients infected with the Coronavirus. With one doctor saying it makes Corona very simple to kill. So far the medicine hasn't been widely used against the Coronavirus specifically. But it's typically used for parasitic infections. However, a peer reviewed study led by Monash University back in April found that even a single dose of the drug could kill the Coronavirus in less than 48 hours. Ivermectin is well established and has been available since the 1970's. It's FDA approved and is on the World Health Organization's list of Essential Medicines. That means it has very few side effects and it's considered one of the safest drugs in the world. In fact, in 2011, a scientific journal in Japan, where the medicine is originally from, called Ivermectin a wonder drug on the same level as Penicillin and Aspirin. And it's not only potent, it's also very inexpensive. The wholesale cost for a course of treatment is just $0.12" - Pearson Sharp

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