Facebook COVID Vaccine Fact Checker Funded By Company With Billions In Vaccine Stocks?

2 years ago

"Facebook's independent fact checker might not be so independent after all. US Congressman's questioned the partiality, Fact Check dot org, which is supposed to tackle vaccine disinformation because it's indirectly funded by jab manufacturer Johnson & Johnson" - RT Anchor

"Who pays the paychecks of the factcheckers? The vaccine fact checkers at Fact Check dot org, who claim to be independent, are funded by an organization that holds over $1.8 billion of stock in a vaccine company, and is run by a former director of the Center for Disease Control." - Rep. Thomas Massie

"The fact checking account responded to accusations by making clear it's funding sources. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is one of those benefactors billions and owns billions in Johnson & Johnson stock. The foundation's CEO is Richard Besser who is a former acting Director for the Center of Disease Control. Yet Fact Check dot org claims there' no interference in it's editorial decisions and the Foundation's views aren't necessarily reflected in it's decisions. But author and liberal studies expert Michael Rectenwald believes such connections pose risks to the public." - RT Anchor

"This absolute collusion on the part of vaccine manufacturers having funding the fact checkers on social media. So we're actually getting to the point where people's lives are being endangered. We've lost all confidence in the social media and our mainstream media entirely. Anything that comes into contradiction with the Leftist's agenda is deemed misinformation. People are now not able to get information about what's best for their health. Including the detriments of the vaccine." - Michael Rectenwald

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