i wish i was wrong...piano punk

3 years ago

i always knew...arrogant rant
what would they do w/out precious echo chamber
astroturf america
social media/smart phones/govts have proven this
nobody would listen to me cos of image
good ole image thang...revelation chapter13
sit down kiddo, you ain't sexist
let the master show you sexism
anti-feminism is just as dumb as feminism
if men won't act right look at what women will do
men have to act right to set the example so that women will plz them
mind control is pride/arrogance
humility...whoop there it went
meant to do this, why i spent my life running away from it
this beast system (woman) must be destroyed
of course she was tweeting this...
the brain-washing is real
i pity those that are so misguided
still defending what is killing you
their brain done washed down the river

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