The Communists Need COVID to Advance Their Agenda

3 years ago

[00:30] ‘Are You Listening?’ (44 minutes)

CNN’s Don Lemon blames the latest surge of COVID-positives on “red states” and then ominously asks viewers, “Are you listening?” It’s now 501 days to “slow the spread” and still the propaganda media want you to be scared, very scared, of unvaccinated conservatives. Lemon says we just need to examine the numbers—the facts. In this segment, we do just that.

[44:45] Why Are Communists Terrified of Mike Lindell? (10 minutes)

Mike Lindell’s MyPillow company has poured tens of millions of dollars into advertising on Fox News. This week, Lindell decided to pull his ads off Fox because they refuse to let him advertise his upcoming symposium on the November 3 election steal. What is Fox News afraid of?

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