Mental illness that you must not ignore..

3 years ago

Mental health
Mental health is not just the absence of a mental disorder, it is definitely a state of well-being in which each person realizes his potential, copes with the daily stress of life, to be able to work productively and in opportunities to contribute to his community.
In most countries, especially low- and middle-income countries, mental health services are lacking in resources, both human and financial. Of the available health care resources, most are currently spent on specialized treatment and care of people with mental illness, and to a lesser extent on an integrated mental health system. Instead of providing care in large psychiatric hospitals, states should integrate mental health as part of primary health care and develop services in general hospitals. The promotion of mental health is possible with even smaller proportions of finances, an umbrella term that includes various strategies aimed at having a positive effect on the well-being of mental health as a whole. The development of personal skills and resources, and improvement in the socio-economic environment are part of the strategy used.

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