( UNBELIEVABLE ) Footage Of Skydiving planes collide just before jump

3 years ago

A midair collision over northern Wisconsin sent one small plane into a ball of fire and careening into the ground while another limped safely back to the runway.

Both planes were carrying skydivers – meaning that for the 11 people aboard the two aircraft, the collision resulted in nothing more than minor injuries to two of them, .Everybody got out safely. The pilot got out safely, used his emergency parachute and landed, “In the trail plane, all five jumpers got out of the airplane safely and landed safely.”

The pilot of the plane that crashed “was visibly bloodied about his face and shirt and had one hand wrapped in a garment, but was otherwise lucid, alert and oriented, The pilot of the trailing plane landed safely and picked up the pilot of the crashed aircraft along the runway as he taxied in, The crash happened over Superior, Wisconsin, near the Minnesota state line. It happened as the two planes were flying close by as the skydivers prepared to jump in formation,Viral" Must Watch video"

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