20 Kids With Real Superpower You Won't Believe

3 years ago

We all know that superheroes like Superman or Thor are completely impossible. But just for the sake of argument, are there any superpowers that could actually exist in the real world?

Liam Hoekstra, the world's strongest kid, could do a pullup by the time he was 8 months old. His body wasn't producing myostatin, a gene that inhibits muscular growth. Without it, there is no limit to muscle development, leading to real-life super strength.

Some superpowers can even be learned: Echolocation, for example, is the ability to sense where objects are in space by detecting how sound bounces off them. Bats and dolphins have this ability, and so do humans. Ben Underwood learned echolocation to play football, basketball, skateboard and rollerblade, all without the use of his eyes. People can also learn to regulate their body temperature through a method called tummo meditation. Wim Hof, aka "The Iceman," learned how and was able to climb Mount Everest wearing only shorts and shoes by employing tummo techniques to keep him warm.

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