Excerpt from the coming Genocide Episode

3 years ago

We’re on the eve of the next Genocide and it’s going to dwarf every single mass murder event from the past, at least the ones we’re aware of. G-d only knows about the secret Genocides of the past! But there are a couple unique features that make this next event what I call Genocide 2.0.

Before we touch on those features though I want to put a question out into the ether and then just let it hang over us for now. Who and what is behind all these Genocides, including the Genocide 2.0 we’re about to endure? In case you have not already guessed, I reject the notion that it has been dictators and governments on their own. That is a farce. It’s always been a farce, and it is a complete farce as we speak.

I speculate that every single documented and undocumented Genocide has been impelled by forces operating behind the scenes. I further speculate that those Genocides have served different purposes to their perpetrators but were planned and carried out as a collective effort. Finally, I speculate that for the powers-that-be, those purges/Genocides were practice events for the techno-Genocide taking shape as we speak.

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