The Priscilla Giddings Interview - A True Idaho News Exclusive

3 years ago

According to multiple Idaho legislators, the Idaho House Ethics Committee has become weaponized -- a tool for House Speaker Scott Bedke to remove legislators who don't align with his way of doing things. Even worse, it appears Scott Bedke is using the Ethics Committee to smear his political opponent --- while spending upwards of $100,000 taxpayer dollars to do it. .

Because House Rules for how the Ethics Committee can operate are poorly written, their "hearings" puts them in the roles of prosecutor, judge, AND jury. Plus, the Ethics Committee has given themselves the power to CHANGE RULES during their hearing.

It is commonly believed by those in the know that the Ethics Committee has already arrived at a predetermined outcome. Their "hearing" is a public dog-and-pony show, which has been designed to embarrass and smear Representative Priscilla Giddings.

Does any of this sound "ethical" to you?

The real problem is that no rules exist in the House to reign in an unethical ethics committee. That needs to change.

Watch this interview with Priscilla Giddings so you can hear HER version of the events claimed by the "Ethics" Committee to be unethical.

The True Idaho News Editorial Board has reviewed the actions and testimony of Rep. Giddings, and believes Giddings did NOT lie to the Committee. The Editorial Board strongly recommends that if the Committee so much as recommends a reprimand for Rep. Giddings, all Idahoans should contact their representatives and make their voice heard.

It is well past time to reign in Idaho's unethical "Ethics" Committee.

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