Billie Beene E1-216 God Wins!/President Trump-VP JFK Jr Soon!/Gamma Ray Burst!

3 years ago

Billie is reporting on the following:

1. Mike From Around The World has info on the anti-christ. There are a lot of genetics that have gone into preparing a vessel for the anti-christ. Mike is saying that they do have a prepped body and it has to match a certain vibration. Billie gives more info on the preparation of the body that will be used for the anti-christ.
2. Billie shares how she came across Geno Preps when she was searching for gamma rays. She says that Geno Preps is giving a date of July 27, 2021 for the next 30 days. She has referenced this website for additional info.
3. Steven Ben-nun is reporting that there is a coming celestial event.
4. Mike From Around The World is reporting that CERN can detect very small particles that can tap into the dark dimension. Thus, CERN can tap into dark dimensions and release evil.
5. Mike From Around The World is saying that if gamma rays hit the earth, it can could fry the atmosphere and cause earthquakes and volcano eruptions. Billie reports more on what Mike From Around The World is saying about gamma rays and the possible effects upon the earth.
6. Gene Decode is talking about HAARP and directed energy weapons. He is distinguishing between what the Alliance has verses the Cabal. The Alliance HAARP, Satellites and they have Directed Energy Weapons. The Cabal does not have these now. The Cabal at this point has dry powder to seed clouds to make it rain. They have on the ground some lasers.
7. Currently the Cabal is causing flooding in many areas around the world. This is why we are seeing a lot of floods in different areas around the world.
8. The Cabal is also causing fires in Portugal, the west coast in the U.S. and the west coast in Canada.
9. The Alliance is working to clean out the D.U.M.B.'s by using HAARP, Direct Energy and flooding. They are working in China, Africa, Yeoman, parts of Russia, parts of Japan and the Three Gorges Dam in China.
10. Billie brings out that there were 777 books of the Bible that were found under the Vatican and that the books we have in the Bible have been tampered with. Some things added and other things removed. (My NOTE: Before I learned this several months ago, I had done some research on the Bible and I learned that yes, some things have been removed and other things were added. It has been many years ago since I did this research and I no longer have those references to provide you with. Sorry!)

Billie is bringing much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

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