Overcoming Fatigue Through Movement Free Webinar

3 years ago

Pain gone! Fatigue gone! This is your Mastery Coach Kettlebell Lady Leanne. When it seemed, liked everyone gave up on me I didn’t give up on myself and is why I don’t give up on others. One of the things I learned during my healing journey it is important to stay active even when you are feeling discomfort, fatigued and in pain. The inclination is to preserve energy by staying still. The reality is the more you sit, the more you sit! On the other hand, the more one move, the easier it becomes! I am now sharing what I have discovered in a free webinar Overcoming Fatigue Through Movement with a Q & A afterwards to answer your questions. To join you can go to Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82716110394?pwd=bHNRTkhlT3AydS94akl3YW4weGdYUT09
Questions: masterycoach@protonmail.com or https://kettlebelllady.com

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