Starseed Awakening & Jobs in 5th Dimension New Earth w/Von Galt

3 years ago

The interview with Von Galt begins at 0:57:26. Enjoy this episode of Another Digital Citizen podcast as they interview the author, Von Galt. Von explains what is the energy of the 5th dimension according to Buddhism? Plus, how can Starseeds and Indigo souls incarnating at this time use this energy to thrive in this lifetime. An enjoyable, loving Earthly experience is a thank you for answering the call to help humanity level up their consciousness to adjust with the energies of the 5th dimension as Earth shifts deeper into it.

Apologies for running out of time in the interview, and didn't get to this part about the ancient Buddhist/Lemurian prophecy and process to get into the Golden Age of Interstellar Humanity. Yah, as you can hear in the interview, this is not going to be a fast process. Oh well, everyone is infinite anyways. We Buddhists and many indigenous cultures have been waiting to start this process over again...

1. Get many people out of 3D and adjust to 5D
2. 1st contact w/benevolent incarnations of the universes (aliens)
3. Integration of multiverses and time travel
3. Peaceful integration of being a member of the galactic
4. Interstellar commerce, and space explorers

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You can look over 20+-years about the spikes in the Earth's magnetics through the Schumann Resonance, Ionosphere, and solar sun flares research done by the Global Consciousness Project at Princeton University. The GCP is sponsored by HeartMath Institute and the Institute of Noetic Sciences here:

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Below are links to Von Galt's material:

Von's Author Page:

Merkaba Chakras:

#MerkabaMerkabahs, #MandelaEffect, #ParallelRealities, #RealityShifts, #5thDimension, #BuddhistProphecy5thDimension, #GoldenAgeOfHumanity, #InterstellarGalacticHumanity, #1stContactPreparation, #AnotherDigitalCitizenPodcast, #MerkabaChakrasQHHT, #VonGalt

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