Lemuria Buddhist Folkores - Pyramids, Megaliths, & Giants of ASIA with Von Galt

3 years ago

Stone Wall North American Megalith Researcher, Dave Siegal interviews Laotian author, Von Galt on her next book series research project, 'Pyramids, Megaliths, & Tribal Folklores of Asia'. Von goes over the folklores and pyramid/megalith research following the ancient Buddhist & Laos folklore on the megaflood displacement of the ancient people of Lemuria to the mountain tops of the Pacific Islands and Asia.

To learn more about Stone Wall Research, check out his YouTube channel:

To learn more about Von and reach out to her, please click on the links below. You're welcome to write a comment in this video about any leads you have on tribal folklores near pyramids and megaliths.

Merkaba Chakras:

Von's Author Page:

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