America First Rally with Scott Presler: Bruce Whelan for United States Senate

3 years ago
Bruce Whelan spoke at the America First Rally with Scott Presler. Bruce is exploring the waters to run for the United States Senate against John Thune.

Bruce explained that he wants to be a representative voice for the people in South Dakota. He would like to work directly with the SD State Legislators when issues come up at the national level. He also wants to develop open communication with the citizens of South Dakota.

One of Bruce's main priorities is to stop the creep of federalism. In addition, he wants to stop the United States from becoming an Indian reservation, similar to the Pine Ridge Reservation where he grew up.

Bruce shared that he is running an exploratory campaign and asked the audience: Would you look to me to be your representative?

This event was organized by Primary John Thune in 2022. Join their efforts:

Videotaped on July 22, 2021, by Stand Up For Liberty

Stand Up For Liberty ACTION - What Can You Do?

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