He loves this affection from Mom.

2 years ago

(those who don't like them I think will see with other eyes)
Those who don't relate well with their own unconscious won't accept the cat. It appears, then, as a threat, because it represents this precarious relationship between man and (itself) mystery. The cat does not relate to the appearance of the man.
He sees beyond, inside and inside out. It relates to the essence. If the gesture of affection is fearful or substitutes for unacceptable (but existing) secret aggressive impulses, the cat knows. And he defends himself from the cuddling.
His relationship is with what is hidden, stored and neither we want, know or can see. Therefore, when an act of surrender, of climbing on the lap or expression of affection appears in him, it is something very true, which cannot be ignored.
It is a gesture of trust that honors the recipient, as it means a judgment.
The man does not know how to see the cat, but the cat knows how to see the man.
If there is real or latent disharmony, the cat feels it. If there is loneliness, he knows and mitigates as he can, he who faces his own loneliness in a much braver way than we do.
Says nothing, does not complain. He walks away. Anyone who does not know how to "read" thinks that "he" is not there. Present or absent, he teaches and manifests something. Near or far, looking or pretending not to see, he is communicating codes that we do not always (or almost never) know how to translate.
The cat sees more and sees within and beyond us. It relates to fluids, auras, friendly ghosts and oppressors. The cat is a medium, a witch, an alchemist and a parapsychologist. It is a chance for permanent meditation by our side, teaching patience, attention, silence and mystery. The cat is a silent, meditative, and wise monk, returning fearful questions to us, hoping that we will find the way in his search, instead of wanting him prepared, already known and trodden.
The cat always answers with a new question, taking us to the permanent search for the real, to the incessant search, to the certainty that each second contains the possibility of creativity and new, infinite interrelationships between things. The cat is a daily lesson in true and faithful affection. Its manifestations are intimate and profound. They demand collection, delivery, attention.
Inattentive cats don't like. Bullies irritate them. Anything that needs promotion or explanation wants affirmation. He lives from the truth and is not deluded by appearances.
Nobody in all nature has learned to be self-sufficient (even in hygiene) like the cat! Sleeping and bodybuilding lesson, the cat teaches us all yoga breathing positions.
It teaches you to sleep with total surrender and recovering dilution in the Cosmos. It teaches you to stretch with the most thorough massage of all your muscles, preparing them for immediate action.
If fitness trainers learned the cat's warm-up, reserve players wouldn't take as long (almost 15 minutes) to warm up to take the field.
The cat comes out of sleep for maximum action, tension and elasticity in a second. He knows the precise, millimetric performance of every part of his body, which he loves and preserves like a temple.
Lesson in sexual health and sensuality. Lesson in love involvement with full dedication of several days. Lesson in family organization and definition of personal space and territory.
Lesson in anatomy, balance, muscle performance. Jump lesson. Lesson of silence. Rest lesson. Introversion lesson. Lesson of contact with the mystery, with the dark, with the shadow.
Religious lesson without icons. Food and refinement lesson. Lesson in good taste and timing. In short, the most complete life lesson, daily, silent, polite, without demands, without vehemence, without demands.
The cat is a chance for interiorization and wisdom, made available by the mystery to man."
The cat is an animal that has a lot of quartz in the pineal gland, it is therefore an energy transmutator and a useful animal for healing, as it captures bad energy from the environment and transforms it into good energy,
-- normally where the cat lays down frequently, it means it doesn't have good energy--
if the animal starts lying down in some part of our body insistently, it is a sign that that organ or limb is sick or about to get sick,
because the animal has already noticed the bad energy in that organ and so it chooses to lie down in this part of the body to clean the bad energy that is there.
She also observes that the same way the cat lays down in a certain place, it suddenly leaves, as it feels that it has already cleared the energy of the place and doesn't need it anymore.
She also says in the lecture that the cat's love for its owner is detachment, because while she needs it he's around, when not, he moves away from her.
In Egypt of the pharaohs, the cat was worshiped in the figure of the goddess Bastet, commonly represented with a woman's body and a cat's head. This beautiful goddess was the symbol of light, heat and energy.
She was also the symbol of the moon, and it was believed that she had the power to fertilize the earth and men, cure diseases and lead the souls of the dead. At this time, cats were considered.

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