Raven Ea | What Are the Dangers of Glyphosate? What Is Bill Gates Doing to the American Food Supply?

3 years ago

Raven Ea | What Are the Dangers of Glyphosate? What Is Bill Gates Doing to the American Food Supply?

Raven Ea | What Are the Dangers of Glyphosate? What Is Bill Gates Doing to the American Food Supply?

Start Looking Like Vanessa Clark and Eating Healthy Today:

DEFINITION - Glyphosate - Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that can kill certain weeds and grasses. Glyphosate works by blocking an enzyme essential for plant growth. The product is used primarily in agriculture, but also in forestry and lawn and garden care.

The controversy over Bill Gates becoming the largest private farmland owner in the US - https://www.vox.com/recode/22528659/bill-gates-largest-farmland-owner-cascade-investments

These are the promises Monsanto India’s website makes, alongside pictures of smiling, prosperous farmers from the state of Maharashtra. This is a desperate attempt by Monsanto and its PR machinery to delink the epidemic of farmers’ suicides in India from the company’s growing control over cotton seed supply — 95 per cent of India’s cotton seed is now controlled by Monsanto.
Control over seed is the first link in the food chain because seed is the source of life. When a corporation controls seed, it controls life, especially the life of farmers. - https://thetattyjournal.org/2021/01/03/the-seeds-of-suicide-how-monsanto-destroys-farming/
Glyphosate in Food: Full List of Products that Contain this Cancerous Weed Killer https://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/glyphosate-in-food-complete-list/

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