Video of Alaska earthquake from preschool

3 years ago

This is a video from one of the cameras in our preschool (ACA Preschool). We do not have students on Fridays, so thankfully no students or staff were present. ACA Preschool did not lose power, so the cameras were rolling the entire time. The cameras are mounted to hooks on the walls, so that is why they bounce around, but only 1 of 4 cameras fell.

The video show very little damage and few items fell in the classroom. Licensing requirements may be credited to the minor disruption of the classroom. Licensing standards require that objects are low to the ground, not top heavy, and secured. Surprisingly, the chairs on the tables did not fall off. It seems the chairs just moved around along with the tables. In the 1:1 room, more things fell of the shelf because that one is taller and heavier and didn't appear to move as much, so the objects did more of the moving.

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