Dr. Sevillano - Graphene unleashing a catastrophe

2 years ago

It has now been shown that in vitro graphene oxide, when subjected to distanced stimulation by radiowaves within the 5G banding of the spectrum, undergoes a process of “phoresis” (in chemistry, a “migration”) where the graphene nano-tubules begin to independently self-assemble into what almost seem like animated string complexes, like robot rootstalk.

A Tesla Coil is used to remotely oscillate alternating positive and negative charges at short sequences of the carbon nano-tubules, which causes them to migrate and reintegrate as stringy aggregates. For this reason the process employed in this discovery is called “Teslaphoresis.”

Simply put and in Dr. Sevillano’s own estimation, the comprehensive deployment of 5G worldwide is integral to the genocidal ambition of the cabal. Within the range of 5G emitters, the graphene oxide, provided for by Pfizer and Moderna, will undergo Teslaphoresis, becoming oxidized, unipolar and a pathogenic agency of functionally-gained optimized virulence . One immediate effect of Teslaphoresis, says Dr. Sevillano will be psychosis.

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