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Social-Emotional Learning: “Trojan Horse” For Ideology in School

3 years ago

So-called Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is actually a “Trojan Horse” for indoctrinating children in school with ideologies that contradict Christianity and family values, warned education activist and Choose Now Inc. director Marsha Metzger in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. The establishment is using SEL to manipulate children and gather unprecedented amounts of data in preparation for a fundamental transformation of society. The rabbit hole goes very deep, and very few critics of this SEL have as much insight as Metzger.


  • 0/2000
  • I’m a teacher in Kansas. Our idiotic state school board has mandated SEL for all schools beginning this fall. People have no clue what is about to happen. I wish more parents would wake up. Thankfully I teach Algebra so I’m not involved.

  • thanks for the info

  • My information can now be found at either parentsonthelevel.com OR theparentnavigator.net - Marsha Metzger

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