Virus Psyops Exposed 2019-01-22

2 years ago

One year prior to Covid, Belgian virologist Marc Van Ranst boasts to his colleagues about his psyops operation during the Swine Flu scamdenic of 2009. Laughing and joking, he exposes how he manipulated the media, triggering a sudden obsession with fatalities while creating pent-up demand for a useless vaccine whose side-effects ruined the lives of many thousands of unsuspecting adults and children around the globe. Fortunately, there were still enough responsible media outlets in 2009 to expose the scam even if the perpetrators got away Scott-free. Big Pharma received little more than a slap on the wrists while only superficial changes were made to prevent hijacking of WHO whose conflicts of interests remaiin to the present day.

This revealing clip is taken with permission from

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