3 years ago

Our lives will never be the same. I see a pattern forming here 16 months after I heard about the COVID 19 virus for the first time. The one thing we do know is this, nothing seems to be working to stop it. 😷 😷 Masks obviously do not work, then 🔒🔒🔒 downs for months until virus dried up did not work. Then operation warp speed with the best 3 vaccines in the world were created to stop this thing and that did not work, so we combine masks with vaccines.well if vaccines worked we would not have to wear 😷😷 Masks, and if they do not work masks did not work before the vaccines that's why vaccines had to be created. I am saying all of this to help you over come cognitive dissonance and understand there is something at work here that does NOT make sense.i 🤔🤔🤔 think we can all agree on that point. We all agree this is a mess and we all want out or to go back to the old normal regular life. Reality and history relate to what the bible says, this is the only thing that can help us understand the truth, and what is really happening. Now president joe Biden has declared mandatory masks again, today he has stated all federal employees must be vaccinated and those vaccinated must wear 😷😷😷 Masks. Around here we call them face diapers 😷😷. Also medical professionals and students must be vaccinated and wear masks. Hello? This is happening after 16 months of hell on earth. We are like a dog chasing it's tail. Any way I see 🙈🙈🙈 a pattern developing here. It looks like a virus or planned demic hits, panic and fear causes people to not 🤔💭💭💭 think logically.

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