When we are in a state of flow, we heal

2 years ago

When we get into flow, we heal! It is as simple as that, when in flow, our body works in harmony. The task becomes effortless and you lose concept of time.

Internally your body is working at its optimal in this state.

When we lose our mojo, usually we come away from flow. Why do sports stars get depressed when they stop competing? Because everything seems alien now it is not in flow

Expression is one of the easiest ways to get into flow. Many of us use our words to communicate with others, however we are left at times feeling isolated as people are not understanding how you are feeling. If this sounds familiar, find another way of expressing yourself.

Writing, singing, dancing, playing instruments, creating, exercising find one that works for you.

Rather than doing that task, focus on how you feel whilst doing it. No one can ever challenge how you feel

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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