Cognitive health and Alzheimer's

2 years ago

We need to constantly stimulate the brain with new experiences, new information and new thoughts to keep brain health high

Alzheimer’s has been linked with inactivity of the brain. If the body doesn’t need to use something, it will send energy elsewhere. So if you do the same routine every single day, over time your brain will be inactive as you are living out of habit and it will start deteriorating.

If you have a loved one who is suffering, a great tactic is to make changes to your home. More around items in the house and give them a new home. Watch how all of a sudden your brain has to start working in a different way

Reading, crosswords, languages, learning are all great ways to stimulate the brain

We do not have to wait until illnesses present themselves however, we can do so many things to help with our cognitive health.

Just ask yourself, how much of your day is the same as the day before? All it takes is to make small adjustments, like using your weaker hand all day, take a different route to work or read new books

Let’s look at the bigger picture, nourish and stimulate your brain as much as you can through life, knowing that you will be more resilient when you are older

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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