FDA & CDC Are Knowingly Murdering Thousands Of Children & They Won't Stop Because That's Their Goal

3 years ago

As a society, we have to make Crimes Against Children our hard line in the sand. The adults who are hell-bent on taking the Covid-Kill-shot are making that decision for themselves, and I don't have much sympathy for the consequences they will assuredly have to endure. They are what's wrong with society and if we take an objective look at what kind of people are lining up to get the jab, I think most sane people will agree that the world will be a better place without them. The Children that are getting jabbed on the other hand, is an entirely different thing altogether.

We The People must unite and persist until the Luciferian Globalist/Freemasons are brought to justice

They have too much blood on their hands now and will not stop until we stop them

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