According2Sam #94 'The Stick'

3 years ago

When news first broke that a vaccine for Covid-19 was around the corner Donald Trump was president and it was a few weeks before the 2020 election. Many people believed President Trump was rushing the vaccine as some sort of "October surprise" to win the election, as if he was the one making the decision about when the vaccine would be ready. There was a lot of distrust and skepticism fed to the public at this time about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, and many of the people who are currently trying to get the public to trust the vaccine were the very people instilling distrust in the vaccine back then. This includes the current President and Vice President of the United States, and many others in mainstream media. Some of these people who doubted the safety of the same vaccine back then have come so far to say it should be mandated today, despite the fact that the vaccine has only been approved under an emergency use authorization and has not received full FDA approval. They say they have tried the carrot, and now it's time for the stick. How are these people hypocrites for changing their stance on the vaccine based on who is president, and how are they tyrants for now supporting mandates for the same vaccine they previously questioned? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #94.

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