4K Heaven On Earth

3 years ago

Filmed: 7/25/2021 @ 8:03 PM EST in Naples Beach, Florida- Shot in 4K 30FPS.

Remember it can take several days for the 4K version to upload. I could wait on posts until they are being broadcast in 4K before I will actually release them, but I would rather just go ahead and put them up right away. Sorry if your too cool for old school (SD ugh that is lol). It will upload in the format first, convert to 1080P 60FPS, then finally 4K.

And making her video debut on mywalksinparadise .......Morgan Thompson!!!! Morgan shot this Sunday Night. Tell me God isn't speaking to me?! Did you see the Dolphin? My intro was created by Morgan and looks kind of similar to this! I have had so many up close and personal animal encounters over the last week and a half, that I've been telling everyone their is something else at play here. I have so much on my phone right now I can't wait to share. I believe God wanted me to do this to get my message out.

The message is of love. The message is of hope. The message is of compassion. We've all been through enough, it is time we get back to treating each other right. The internet is great for some things, but the cruel and divisiveness I can do without. So I'm creating this platform for change and I hope you will join me in building this Positive community! Negative Nancy's need not apply. We are all special in our own way, and don't let anyone tell you any different.

To give a little context. I was on LTD since Aug 2019. I recently was kicked off because the the PT office wouldn't allow me to come in because I had a lingering cough from wearing the mask at my appointments. They had a zero tolerance policy so I went 3 months before I returned, even though it can't help my condition. The insurance used it as an opportunity to pull my claim do to no medical update. I am too tired of all of this and what I've been through not being allowed to make my own medical decisions, but it has been a blessing.

I retired from hockey before I really got started at 18, due to a broken back. I moved to Florida to help with my aches & pains. If you've seen my Colorado fly fishing videos, what you didn't see was when I just slightly slipped traversing down that cliff to get to where I was going. Rookie mistake I had gym shoes on and jarred myself. I was only in Denver for 1 day as my wife was on a work trip & went there often. I needed to know she was safe in the hotel she stayed at, so it gave me peace of mind.

During the plane flight home, everything changed. I have never had this kind of pain before. From that moment forward until now I have been in severe pain. When the Dr. asks on a scale of 1 to 10 I reside close to a 9, sometimes higher, sometimes a little lower.

As a former hockey player from my era, we were taught to play through the pain, like I did for a month with a broken back smh. So that is what I do, but if you see me you probably think I'm feeling all right. The most painful thing to do is sit. I can stand for a decent amount of time and walking actually feels better than that. Laying down and going in the pool is the only relief that helps.

I do not like prescription drugs and only use them sparingly. I still have 10 left from my 30 that I had after surgery, if that tells you anything. I look for more natural remedies. I went to rehab, I had epidural injections, a discectomy, more rehab and they finally determined that it is a mechanical problem, and that it needs to be fused. I am hesitant to go that route, because there were serious complications from my surgery, and now I'm way worse than I was before it.

But finally getting to the point. I may just grab all of these small books I've written on here and compile someday. I am not a holy roller, even though I have found God and have truly been saved. When I received the letter 3 weeks ago I was devastated. Here Kristen finally got her job back at Hertz, so things were looking up. I didn't have much fight left, and I really don't want to have to get attorneys for the LTD and surgical lawsuit, so I tried something else.

I prayed to God to heal my back, so that I can work again and not have to fight with the insurance company and Dr's any longer. I have lost 12.5 pounds in this time and my back is actually for the first time since I injured feeling a little better. And that isn't even the good part. I was in the car on the way to Sarasota to see the Fireworks for the 4th and like a lightning bolt hit my mind. I have been wanting to do this for a while, but at that moment I realized the opportunity in front of me. I downloaded Rumble & YouTube on my phone and created this channel.

There was a Trump Rally at the Fairgrounds and Sky King Fireworks were putting it on. I figured that it would be a pretty big show because when he was at Mount Rushmore I thought those were amazing! For those that now me my Grandpa was born on the 4th of July & I'm not far behind. I am also very Patriotic and it is my favorite Holiday. Especially because my relatives through the best parties.

I knew that I could capitalize on this and figured I'd just shoot from outside the fairgrounds, and get a lot of eyes on my new channel. I thought I could livestream it like I see, but since I was new that wasn't an option. The gates opened at 11AM I believe & we went to Portillo's so we didn't arrive until 5PM We've had Trump Rallies at Hertz Arena here and people wait for days, so I didn't plan on getting in. The rest is history. The one thing I will say was that it was the best 4th of July I have ever had.

I have heard that it is a very Patriotic feeling being there, but you can't know unless you go. It must've been like it was going to see Elvis, because regardless if you like President Trump or not, there is no denying his celebrity. I have been to several concerts over the years and this was nothing like them. If you've ever been to an Imagine Dragons concert there is a lot of love there, but this was unlike anything I've ever seen. I would guess that there were 50-75K people in attendance.

We even had a huge storm with torrential rain that hit us and there was an indoor arena available. Not only did no one leave, but everyone was singing in the rain. It was the most beautiful thing. I hope to be able to post, but since they play music there may be a copywrite issue. Then all of a sudden the rain stopped and the sun shined directly down on all of us, it felt like God was there.

I have severe PTSD/Anxiety & most likely CTE from my 8 concussions (also why I may sent you a message that I might have said previously) and I don't like crowds. Back in the days of mosh pits I was know to throw some elbows when people started to crowd the stage. I am claustrophobic due to being the youngest of 5, I'll spare you the details in this winded post. This crowd was so calm and peaceful it is hard to describe. It was like you were at church with your entire family, and ones that you actually get along with LOL. It was a beautiful thing.

It reminded me of the old days when we all would go to McCamley Field for the 4th of July Fireworks. There was so much community there. You know when you'd actually have neighborhood pig roasts. This however was 10 levels beyond that I'm glad I got in because I probably would have never seen this.

Thank you sincerely for all the views. Remember to subscribe & if you want to help get me to the 4000 hours the easiest way is as follows: Search for my channel, click on my profile pic, scroll down to the 2nd column of videos marked Uploads & click on the 1st video to the left. This will play all my videos on a loop from the newest to the oldest. If you want to just keep it on in the background it would help me reach my goal quickly.

Check out all the videos on my new channels on Rumble too. This is where you will be able to see my crazy Pets on mypetsinparadise, our beautiful Sunsets, Rainbows, & Storms on mystormsinparadise, my amateur cooking hour on mycooksinparadise, & our beautiful Birds of Southwest Florida on mybirdsinparadise, or just keep watching My Main channel mywalksinparadise on Rumble/YouTube.

That way if you are looking for specific content you can go directly to that channel, otherwise all the videos will be posted to the My Main channel mywalksinparadise. The Main channel My Walks in Paradise is also on YouTube, but with Rumble having my exclusive rights it is going to be easier to manage the extra channels there, so that is the only exclusive platform for all of those channels. YouTube will just have my main channel My Walks In Paradise.

If you want to support me with a donation you can donate directly to me via Venmo @Robert-Thompson-299, until I unlock more options here. If you have any specific request for some type of walk that you would like me to do for your donation just let me know. If you want to rent me a boat, jet ski, paddle board, kayak, etc. & have me travel somewhere I will film my adventure for you. Just let me know on Venmo when you make the donation how you want it spent. I will give you the credit during my video & will do my best to accommodate your requests. If you would simply like to leave a tip I will be grateful to accept that too! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2708967406960640670&created=1625408760.7118149&printed=1."

Equipment Used
Camera: IPhone 12 PRO Max 512GB
Hohem 3-Axis Handheld Stabilizing Gimbal- ISteadyMobile+
Wireless Lavalier Microphone: Hohem BM01

This is a positive channel and I want that same experience for all. This channel was created to bring people from all walks of life back together again on ONE platform. We need to teach our future generations that it is ok to disagree, debate, and have your own opinions, but it is not ok for ANYONE to force their opinions on you. We also need to let that know that we aren't always going to get along but in life you need to learn to work with other with varying backgrounds, opinions, and beliefs.

We are all created equal in God's eyes & we should embrace the ideal that every American is entitled to live their life how they see fit. We SHOULD ALL be on board with that.

Remember to like, share & if your new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button! That way you will be notified any time I post new content, or if I have a YouTube Premiere where we can all chat live together. If you have any suggestions just let me know in the comments. I will do my best to respond to every comment I receive on my channels.

If you would like to contact me for advertising opportunities or to have your business, product, or service featured on my channel during one of my “Walks”,

I can be reached at the below email address. rjtcollaborations@protonmail.com

Thanks Y’all & God Bless!,


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