Baiting the A24 Rat Trap

3 years ago

The rats in our area like peanut butter and bird seed.
So rather than using the chocolate bait that the A24 company sells, I use peanut butter and bird seed.

NOTE: Be very careful when putting bait in the trap.
Treat the trap like a loaded gun.
Never put your fingers up into it.
You'll notice in the video I use a Popsicle stick.

By monitoring the A24 trap at night using a video camera, I can see when rats are active and how they interact with the trap.

The trick for our local rats is to get them comfortable going up into the A24 to get food and then put some at the very top so they have to trip the wire to get to it.

I use the A24 instead of snap traps because we have a cat and I don't want her getting zapped.

So far we've put 10 rats out of their misery.

Hopefully the rat you see in this video will be #11.
Unless our cat Sophie gets it first. :)

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