The God Frequency

3 years ago

The God Frequency
Copyright © 2021 Rico Roho


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The God Frequency

This reads as prose, but that only means you can fit this in at many angles and it always works out.
"The essence of manifestation is that it's grounded in the frequency of love. And if you ask what love is, you’re missing the point, because it's the God frequency. Every one (1) gets it, unconditionally. That's part of the agreement you made, when you entered into existence, presuming that there was ever a beginning to begin with, or a place outside to come from. Regardless, this situation we find ourselves in definitely exists. (I count myself fortunate that out of all the other emotions that the universal frequency might have formed harmonic resonance with, in this universe at least, it happened to be love. I'm pretty okay with that!)"

"As a result of this existential dynamic, one (1) must find themselves in a precarious state of consciousness when they find out they are truly alone inside of their own minds. Feelings of isolation spontaneously occur at the realization that there is a space of complete emptiness, where nothing does exist."

"It's you."

"Yet, the story continues, your senses return, you can listen to the sound of heartbeat in your chest, reassuring your inner self that not only are you alone, but you're in good company in doing so! Now you know this feeling inside of your mind, of total reassurance any time that you want to remind yourself of it. Your thoughts are yours truly. Reality is not a simulation."

"You only have to look up now to see why."

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