Dealing with Chemotherapy - Fighting Cancer

3 years ago

Today I witnessed my friend fighting cancer after a chemo session. I previously have been visiting on her good days, Today was a real eye-opener

I have not got the slightest idea what is is like to fight cancer and I would love to take the time to give my respects. You are stronger than most of the population, remember that.

Spending time with my friend, I have been observing everything. By watching and listening to conversations, I have picked up many Insights

When it comes to cancer, I quickly realized how many people have an opinion. So many people will tell you:

-What you should and shouldn’t be doing.
-Foods you should eat and foods that are unhealthy for you
-If I was YOU.....I would (i have witnessed this lots)
- How much sleep you need to be getting
- you should eat something

The list goes on. Everyone is an expert in cancer yet, not one of them has ever had it. They do not have the slightest idea of how tough recovery is

Right now your energy is needed for healing. People are likely to say comments that will be upsetting, sometimes offensive and darn right rude. I know these people and comments do upset people

Here is some great advice that will protect your energy allowing the focus on healing

**important** please understand that comments like this will ALWAYS come your way. No matter where you are and who you are with, someone will give you their opinion. It’s inevitable

Knowing this truth, allows you to always be in control of your power. Not a single person can take it from you

Create awareness next time you are with others. Have an expectation that people will say something, expect them to come every single day.

Your opinion counts first, trust your intuition and remind yourself that no one has the power to upset you.

Once you know this, you can start playing your own little games.

Here are a few ideas

- Note down how many times people will tell you, what you should and should not be doing.
- Guess the amount of opinions you receive in one day?
- What will be the most stupid comment you receive today?
- how many times will someone suggest going vegan?
- how many people will say how I should act and what I should be doing?

Become completely aware, to the point that you can guess the next question coming out of their mouth

Notice the difference in the reduction of stress when you stay in control

Thank you for watching

#Life coaching #spirituality #meditation #health #mental health #self development #spiritual teacher #think future feel now #mindset #mindfulness #healthy

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