Our Pilgrimage -- 27

3 years ago

One of the things I love about walking in the wild is getting to see God's creation up close and personal. It just isn't possible to experience His creation while zooming down the road at 70+ MPH.

Purple Martins are one of my favorite birds. Sadly, I didn't do a great job of capturing their majesty.

BTW, I am thinking about doing a blog about our Pilgrimage so I can have more creative freedom in what I post? What app should I use? Will anyone actually click on the link? What are your thoughts?

Walking deets:
Continuing north bound on US 281 to the South Cypress Creek

This walk: Dist: 11.39 km; Time: 3+02; Steps: 15,778
Total: Dist: 296.24 km; Time: 66+06; Steps: 356,619

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