Alex Newman: Public School Exit

3 years ago

In this webinar, Alex Newman stresses the importance of getting children out of public schools as quickly as possible. His reasons for this are many and stem from the global agendas being forced into the curriculum. These include socialism and communism--both failed experiments in other parts of the world--as well as the ever-expanding sexual education. This "education" only begins at the "drag queen story hours" that we have been hearing about for years. Now, schools can hide sex change services from parents, and educational materials go so far as to teach about the pedophilia present in ancient Greece. Furthermore, these schools are teaching Islamic and Buddhist principles, while banning prayer in schools, as part of the "global education" that schools are moving toward. Ultimately, they hope for a "world core curriculum" that will have the same standards for every child in every school in the world. This has always been the goal, Newman says, and is a sign to parents: get your children out of government schools.

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