Never There - Josh North (Official Music Video)

3 years ago

This is the official music video to a song I wrote about my experience with unrequited love. The experience of longing for love in a relationship that is one sided. Just waiting and waiting, hoping and hoping that this person will eventually love me. Wanting so bad the other person to feel about you the same way you do about them, but they just don't. Fully putting your worth in the hands of a person rather than basing your worth in God. People on this earth at times will let you down and if you put your self worth in their hands you will crumble with your feelings.

This was the case for me before I based my worth in how God feels about me. When I truly experienced God's love and forgiveness, I never experienced a pain of unrequited love ever again, because God never stops loving those who love Him and He loves you passionately without fail!

We love because He first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3


I hear you walking up my stairs
I've been waiting, waiting to meet you here
I miss the candles, wine and the smell of your hair
I wish that you could see how much I care, for you

You turn around cause you see it's too broke to repair
You turn around cause the pain's too much to bear
You walk away and pretend we were never here
You walk away and pretend I was never there

released July 27, 2021

All songwriting, arrangement, music, instrumentation, vocals, mixing and mastering done by Josh North.


all rights reserved

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