Project Camelot Interview Super Soldier Summit

3 years ago

Original Upload Date: May 30, 2012

For the record I carry no ill will towards Duncan O'finoian. His experiences are unique just like mine are and I don't judge him for that no matter what kind of programming hes been put through.

In this video Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot interviews James Rink, Alara Blackwell, Richard Rogers, and Max Spiers as they discuss the ultra milab super soldier program and the first ever super solider summit which will take place in Marin County, San Francisco, CA on June 23, 2012. You don't want to miss this exciting event. Get your tickets now at

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For the record I carry no ill will towards Duncan O'finoian. His experiences are unique just like mine are and I don't judge him for that no matter what kind of programming he’s been put through.

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