Super Soldier Talk with James Rink and Tommy Wise

3 years ago

Original Upload Date: March 1, 2012

In this episode of Super Soldier Talk James Rink places Tommy Wise under hypnotic regression to help him recover memories of a reptilian underground base. Here he recalls being placed in cloned avatars, meeting alien beings, and offers some ideas on how other Milabs victims can break free from their programming. The show concludes with a picture montague which was generously provided by Tommy Wise.

If you like to contact Tommy Wise please visit his youtube profile

According to Tommy the bruise I got on my chin the next morning was from the reptilians. They took a skin graft to make a clone from me which is being used to for recon work in outer space now.

Note: It is my job as the interpreter to gather as much information as possible, this requires the occasional question which I ask when the user has started to come out of trance. All lines of questioning are predetermined before we begin any regression. This limits leading questions and yet allow the user to have a visually enriched experience. Using good intuition, patience, and by remaining non-judgmental I was able to help Tommy find answers about himself as a reptilian hybrid which he would not be able to do on his own.

Many people have asked me, "James this sounds like a bunch of bunk." But who are we with our limited human experiences to judge what the universe contains. This is why it is imperative to be nonjudgmental and to to listen to your heart when it comes to determine truth.

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