Smart pistol safe | SVB500 |

3 years ago

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As others have said they think it’s garbage. This isn’t a safe to keep a million dollars in. It’s mostly designed to keep children out or friends that are over out. If a thief wants to get in they can and will just like most safes. Now I have an alarm system which would be sending the police over and creating Loud noises that if the thief even knew to look for this next to my bed which it’s mounted on I suppose they could try to yank it off etc. but remember most thief are amateurs and just want to smash and grab such as TVs or anything else that they can get easily and fast. The finger print works flawless. Secret is to program the same finger Maybe 6 different times at different angles that way it always recognizes it. I programmed it as if I was laying in bed such as a real world scenario if someone broke in at night. I saw a video of some guy opening it with a coat hanger and tooth pick. Well if you can do that in a min with sirens going off and knowing the cops are on the way then you can have my $400 pistol. Locks only keep honest people out. This pistol safe does its purpose and works great.

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