What it's like to access emergency medical services with a mask exemption, my healing journey + more

3 years ago

In this video, Penny shares the story of her near-death experiences earlier this year, her healing journey, and the various tools she used to heal herself. Penny discusses the challenges she faced having a mask exemption and trying to access emergency medical services in Toronto, Canada, as well as, her personal opinions about the governments response to covid. Penny offers spiritual guidance and discusses some of the things we can do to co-create the reality we would like to see in this world.

Learn the truth about covid-19: Resources that can empower you to make informed decisions: https://intuitivepenny.com/learn-the-truth-about-covid-19/

Hear Penny share a channeled message from the Spirit Guides - about the virus we're dealing with today: https://youtu.be/4Nft7a6oSBw or read the channeled message here: https://intuitivepenny.com/tune-into-love-for-health-and-healing/

Release stress & anxiety and feel calm & confident with Penny Araujo's free Self-Care Tool Kit: https://intuitivepenny.com/self-care-took-kit/

Penny Araujo is a Medium & Intuitive Wellness Coach. Penny empowers you to heal and manifest your dreams related to personal health and wellness, career, and relationships. She is passionate about helping you to reconnect with yourself in a greater way, recognize your unlimited potential, and discover how awesome you really are! Penny has expertise in energy psychology therapies and is a certified EFT Tapping Practitioner and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner.

Penny offers Intuitive Readings & Intuitive Wellness Coaching to clients online via Zoom. Visit her website to learn more about her services and to book an appointment though her online calendar: https://intuitivepenny.com/services/

Contact Penny:
Website: https://intuitivepenny.com/
Schedule appointment for intuitive reading or intuitive wellness coaching: https://BookappointmentwithPenny.as.me/
Follow Penny Araujo on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intuitivepenny
Penny Araujo, all links: https://intuitivepenny.com/links/

Blue Barn Owl Throw Pillow from https://creatinghappy.net/

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