The Great Illusionist

2 years ago

July 25, 2021
Title: The Great Illusionist.

Illusions excite people because they challenge the sense of reality. We see them everywhere in live audience shows, street performers, in movies with special effects. We can usually tell the difference between what is real and what is not. But did you know there are millions of people around the world who are under evil illusion and deception. And these deceptions are extremely hard to identify because most people can not see into the realm from which the master illusionist, the master deceiver, Satan, who the Bible calls “the father of lies” launches his attacks. (John 8:44).

Listen to the this study and see if you have fallen for any of Satanʼs deceptions throughout your life? Perhaps, itʼs time to really consider what I am about to share with you. This message has the power to save your life and to set you free from the bondage of sin.

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