Inhumane Treatment of our Jan. 6th Protestors

3 years ago

Please watch this video. Most Americans are unaware of the inhumane treatment many of our Jan. 6th peaceful protestors are experiencing while being held behind bars.

• Multiple sporadic beatings by Correctional Officers (one man has suffered a shattered orbital bone)

• Solitary confinement, some for over 2 1/2 months

• Denied basic hygiene

• Denied the right to attorney/client privileges

• Denied evidence against them in order to prepare for court

• One suffering from cancer unable to receive proper treatment

This list goes on…

As patriots, we cannot stay silent while these good men and women suffer punishment that in no way match their crime. We need to make noise and get our elected officials involved in order to bring justice back to our broken system.

To learn more on how to help, go to

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