Out-Front Faith!

3 years ago

➡️ In movies, heroes are inherently different than us. They have unique superpowers; they don’t have to endure the mundane aspects of life; and they regularly perform heroic acts. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson contrasts Hollywood’s picture of heroism with God’s Truth. Every day, the Lord uses ordinary people to accomplish supernatural objectives. As we yield ourselves to His plans and His Truth, we gain the strength we need to allow His power to impact the world, through us. On this Independence Day sermon, Pastor Allen also highlights many American heroes, including the men depicted on the WWII Iwo Jima monument, and those from 9/11.

❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN - July 4, 2021 - Out-Front Faith!

📳 Follow Along!
Sermon outline PDF: https://bit.ly/3qM5ZdL
Sermon outline fill-in version: https://bit.ly/2SOG7l2

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