The Weekly Energy Foresight for July 26-31, 2021

3 years ago

🔮 July 26-31, 2021

🤴 King Of Air
You have come to the realization that the chaos in which you recently released has finally come to a close.
The King of Air though slightly impartial to a particular emotional outcome is giving this situation the diplomatic approach - and you should finally be able to see what a brilliant decision you made - don't you feel lighter and ready to charge forward with your new leash on life!?! Tally-Ho!!!

❄ Mid-Week ~ 26-29

🧙‍♂️ End-Week ~ 29-31

🎉 Observances:
26 - National All Or Nothing Day
- National Aunt & Uncle Day
- National Bagelfest Day
27 - National Love Is Kind Day
28 - National Milk Chocolate Day
29 - International Tiger Day
- National Lipstick Day
- National Intern Day
30 - National Father-In-Law Day
- International Day Of Friendship Day
31 - National Mutt Day
- World Ranger Day
- Last Quarter Moon
#nationalallornothingday #nationalauntanduncleday #nationalbagelfestday #nationalloveiskindday #nationalmilkchocolateday #internationaltigerday #nationallipstickday #nationalinternday #nationalfatherinlawday #internationaldayoffriendshipday #nationalmuttday #worldrangerday #lastquartermoon


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