July 26th, 2021 | The Bulldog Show

2 years ago

Eric Deters the Bulldog reports on Trump Arizona Rally, Olympics- Ratings, Cleveland Indians, Curfew on Taliban, DOJ- Drops Chinese Cases, DOJ- Drops Cuomo Nursing Home Cases, Biden- 2 Billion Not Build Wall, Tony Podesta- Huawei “Warmer Relations,” Pelosi- Rep. Kinzinger, Biden- Fake Email Addresses, Maine- Don’t Check Criminal Backgrounds, Salt Lake- Racism Public Health, Pa. Lt. Gov.- ID Requirements Insidious, Taxpayer Funded Overseas Abortions, 1.8 Million Turn Down Jobs to Stay on Unemployment, NSA Unmasked Tucker, DC Police Chief, SF $20,000 Garbage Cans, Women/Draft, Twitter/Antifa, Liz Cheney- Clinton Republican, Dems- Tax Space, Vatican 500% Deficit, Books- Elephants Are Not Birds, Masks & Vaccines, & Floral Hills.

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