New Pharaohs Will Fall🔥(Strong Prophetic Word: God Will Judge Hardened Hearts and Vindicate You!)

2 years ago

Hello my Brothers and hello my Sisters in Christ.

Today's Word is a portion of the rewards that God is releasing to the body of Christ!

If you're unsure about rewards, check out my last Video: The Lord Will Render A Reward 4 You! 🙌🏿(Prophetic Word: God noticed your willingness to take Action) here:

The Lord is saying that the new Pharaoh's are going to fall! God is going to vindicate you!
He is going to judge the hardened heart!

The Lord is saying that the new pharaoh in your life is a person or a group that has a hardened heart, but you were unaware of that.
They dismissed you and they surprised you by taking action against you in a cold and heartless way.

They were hiding behind a smiling face, but their hardened heart was there all along!

God allowed their hearts to be heardend, but now he is going to make them fall! He is going to judge them and the Lord is sending a plague! Hallelujah!

The Lord needs you to move on from them!

📖 Scriptures referenced in video:
Exodus 3:19 | Romans 12:19

" But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him.”

'Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord.."

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