2 years ago

I will be sharing a link to my other videos that I have on Youtube, that I am transferring to Rumble, that addresses this current situation of the influx of those seeking to illegally enter our nation, bringing with them their cultures, creeds etc. and demanding that we leave our American Culture that has weathered many of the civil unrest we have know in our history, yet have survived retaining some understanding of God that "some" of our forefathers once embraced. This is beginning to erode, and the idea of God is changing to foreign gods that our forefathers once rejected. Laws have been changed to the point where what was once considered wrong, has become right, and what was once considered right is considered wrong. You are considered a bigot, racist, and many other names if you hold to any idea of an Eternal truth. The sadist think is that the need for TRUE CHANGE gets mixed up in this whole matter of the need to change. What really needs to change is this discovery of our True citizenship having nothing to do with this world. Our true citizenship, our Kingdom, is truly Not of this world, beyond many a secular and sadly a religious view ideas of a Kingdom.

I have shared a labor in love to bring all of this out in my many series of videos that gets us all to see this Kingdom of the Continuance, that never had a beginning or end, was, is and ever shall be A WORLD WITHOUT END, as this one must at some point in history must end. The fight today is to get all to see this promise of a New Creation, this matter of GOING ON beyond this experience, to prepare us for a New Existence that this short life has to offer. So, I beg of you, as the Apostle Paul once begged me and all of us, to consider, via a NEW MIND found in our human spirit, revealed by the Holy Spirit, to let this world view fade, and all this Kingdom to come has to offer, slowly unfold, be worked out of you, what our True Father is offering. It can't be compared to the Glory found in us all, the greatest gift our Father could ever give to us.
Here is the link to my Youtube channel that I will be posting here on Rumble while I can. Paul C. Woodward

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