Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves July 25, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

3 years ago

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Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves July 25, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Though it may have escaped your notice, the so-called Biden Administration is cracking down hard on “domestic violence” and trying to redefine “domestic” and “violence” to suit themselves.

Though these efforts are supposed to impact only Municipal citizens of the United States, they are being “liberally interpreted” to apply to everyone — and those of us who object to this presumption have a harder row to hoe because of these political and legal maneuvers.

We, Americans, are not “domestic” with respect to the Municipal United States. We, Americans, don’t consider criticism of Satanism to be “hate speech”. But the Lunatic Fringe is on a rampage and they are in their own vernacular “coming for us”.

The violent mistreatment of the January 6 Capitol rioters who are being beaten and sexually violated by Municipal Government thugs while in jail, stands in stark contrast to the “Mum’s the Word” treatment given to last summer’s rioters, who destroyed billions of dollars worth of business and public infrastructure without as much as a hand slap.

Clearly, a double standard is involved and just as clearly it is a politically-motivated double standard.

Anyone who isn’t a liberal and a Democrat is in danger and is being directly targeted by the Municipal thugs, as they try to find scapegoats to blame for their own misdeeds.

As this Game of Fault proceeds, Biden and his Cronies are desperately seeking someone or something to attack as a pretext for starting a civil war—- some means to “get something started”.

They make money on war and they are being prevented from starting anything offshore, so naturally, they have turned their gaze toward starting a civil war to fill their coffers instead.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/07/wise-as-serpents-gentle-as-doves.html

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