We All Know How the Israeli-Arab Conflict on the Temple Mount Will End

3 years ago

The world knows of the argument between the Jews and Muslims over the Temple Mount, the current site of Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock mosques.

As of now, the site is under the control of the Jordanian Waqf, a Muslim authority that controlled the area before Israel regained the territory in 1967. To our great misfortune, Moshe Dayan, a secular Israeli general, gave the keys to the Mosque back to the Imam Amin Al-Husseini (the same Imam who took pictures with H tler, Y'S). As an atheist and secularist, Moshe Dayan considered the Temple Mount unimportant and was happy to give it back to the Muslims, viewing his atheism as a superiority over the defeated Arabs. With that, the Temple Mount was placed back into the hands of the Muslims.

The Muslims have claims in their religion for their right to possess and control the Temple Mount. Here there is a massive contradiction. Muslims claim to follow the words and will of the Hebrew Prophets, but simultaneously they denounce movement towards establishing a Third Temple.

How can this be? The Prophet Isaiah said the Third Temple will be called the "House of Prayer for All Nations". The Prophet Ezekiel gave the dimensions and descriptions of the Third Temple. Prophecies of others predicted the Redemption and ingathering of Israel from the four corners of the world. They have explanations of their claims that justify their current stances, but to many, their approach is contradictory.

Any person with simple faith in the ancient Hebrew Prophets understands the destiny of the Temple Mount very clearly.

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