The Philosopher's Stone - Magnum Opus

2 years ago

I suspect that 911, better known as the 9/11/2001 Twin Tower false flag event, was a massive occult ritual not only as an homage to the false sun god Appollyon or Apollo (Revelation 9:11 KJV), but also a deeper symbolic ritual of merging the Two Pillars of Freemasonry (Joaquin and Boaz), combining the opposites of duality (Red and Blue Pillars) to bring forth the synthesized Gray State, the Third Pillar, the One World Trade Center, the One World Order. The new Tower of Babel! The passing through of the dualistic portal and entering into the New Age of Lucifer (101 Gate).

Phoenix Rising

It seems that destroying the Two Pillars, the Twin Towers, represents passing through the gate of dualism as the world-ethos is now transcending the established morality of good and evil, up and down, black and white and brings us forth into the New Age of Gray Luciferianism. This is undoing the work of the Almighty YHVH, mixing light with darkness and bringing confusion and disorientation to His creation.

The is the mixing of black and the white, the blurring of the lines between opposites to make gray. Merging the upward pointing triangle with the downward pointing triangle to make the Star of Rempham, the Square and Compass. This has been the plan of Satan for a long time, and will culminate in the AntiChrist reign in Daniel's 70th Week. Albert Pike himself said that after the Third World War they will be able to bring out the pure doctrine of Lucifer - a gray and confused mixture of good and evil in the New World Order.

Final Moments!!

Corona (Crown) Virus

Printable Google Documents

Rapture is soon!!
- 1 Corinthians 15:52
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16
- Revelations 3:10

Printable Version of my left behind letter:

It seems the "Great Work" of the Freemasons and Luciferian Elite is to collapse and merge opposites and to bring all things into a Baphomet transgender unity, a Luciferian Gray State which will open the gates of hell and usher in the AntiChrist who will appear with the Fallen Ones.

Ishtar, also known as Semiramis, Lady Libertas, or Isis, gives birth to the new AntiChrist to rule them all. The new Nimrod who will birth the New World Order. They tell us truth hidden in plain sight

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