National Anthem of Nicaragua - Salve a ti, Nicaragua (Instrumental)

2 years ago

"Salve a ti, Nicaragua" (English: "Hail to thee, Nicaragua") is the national anthem of Nicaragua. It was approved in October 1939, and officially adopted in 1971. The lyrics were written by Salomón Ibarra Mayorga, and it was composed by Ernesto o Anselmo Castinove, with arrangement by Luis A. Delgadillo.

(English Lyrics / Translation)
Hail to thee, Nicaragua! On thy land
roars the voice of the cannon no more,
nor does the blood of brothers now stain
thy glorious bicolor banner.

Let peace shine beautifully in thy sky,
and nothing dims your immortal glory,
for work is thy well earned laurel
and honor is thy triumphal emblem!

Nicaraguan National Anthem / Himno Nacional de Nicaragua /

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