Shock Video of What Appears to be Transgender AL Republican Gov Attacking "Her " Unvacinnated Voters

2 years ago

It’s Time to Start Blaming Unvaccinated Folks – Not the Regular Folks” – Alabama GOP Governor Dehumanizes Unvaccinated People (VIDEO)

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) turned her ire toward unvaccinated people on Friday and blamed them for the rise in Covid cases.

Kay Ivey dehumanized unvaccinated people and put a target on their backs.

referred to vaccinated people as “regular folks” – so unvaccinated people are now “others” – this rhetoric is dangerous and must be denounced.

“Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down,” Ivey told reporters in Birmingham.

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